Mon-Sun 9am-7pm
469 490 3301
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
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Pre-purchase vehicle inspection services in Dallas TX

Looking for a used car, truck or suv?

We'll help you find the right one!

Dallas, Texas is a great place to buy a used car – more than 100,000 offers and hundreds of dealers. But how to navigate this huge market and find the perfect car? Our inspectors are ready to assist – from advice on reliable models to searching and inspecting a wide range of cars for you. With years of experience and knowledge of the market, our rigorous inspection process ensures you have a detailed report to make a smart choice.

Trust the professionals.


Have you already found a vehicle you like? We'll inspect it.

Our specialists are mobile, and prepared with all the latest equipment. We'll arrive at the sellers location to complete the inspection on the same day - without requiring a prepayment!


Don't have time to find the right vehicle? We'll find it for you.

We'll research the market to select vehicles and thoroughly inspect them until we find the one that meets your demands. Absolutely hassle-free!
You will save
The average time spent to arrive at and inspect a vehicle – is about 3 hours.
You pay for the vehicle according to its condition, not an inflated price made by the seller.
You won't have any doubts or disappointments in your choice.
Recent orders
Year 2003
Price $5,890
Mileage 222,855mi
Inspected Sep 6 2024
Year 2007
Price $6,250
Mileage 217,004mi
Inspected Sep 6 2024
Year 2023
Price $34,000
Mileage 3,282mi
Inspected Sep 6 2024
Industry best inspection from a team of professionals armed with all of the required diagnostic tools.
Reasonable prices and a 10% discount for regular customers.
We are ready to assist - 7 days per week, 12 hours per day.
We are not affiliated with any auto sellers, dealers or workshops.
We disclose everything found in our inspection, and invite you take a look.
Service area
Aug 30 2024 John Panza
Hi I have a 1988 Pontiac Firebird with 50,000 miles on it I want you to inspect it to see if it needs anything,how much is that gonna cost me I’m in Lithia Springs Georgia
Hello, John Panza! Yes, we can do it. To schedule the inspection you can call us or you can place an order online.
Jul 28 2024 Thu Vo
Hi, How much does it cost for PPI Toyota RAV4 2020-2022 in Gwinnett County GA.Thanks
Hello, Thu Vo! It's $200.
Jun 24 2024 Jay
I am considering purchasing a 2016 Prius from a private seller in Villa Rica. Is that in your service area?
Hello, Jay! Yes, we can go there.
Mar 4 2024 Amy Bailey
What's lowest score that you would recommend going ahead with the purchase of an older used car with higher mileage?
Hello, Amy Bailey! It's safe to say that cars with 50% or mode don't have major problems. Everything below usually requires some urgent repair.
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